Women’s Collective Ireland staff recently reviewed the impact of our fully funded Women in Local Leadership (WILL) Programme, a programme which was designed to support women’s empowerment and participation through feminist community development.
The programme, which first began during 2023, now runs each year from April - November for a period of 8 weeks. Delivered by WCI’s 17 Projects, the WILL Programm invites local grassroots women to think critically about their lived experiences, gender equality, and address barriers to equality and women’s participation in society. Aimed to get more women active both socially and politically – the impressive programme continues to grow in leaps and bounds each year.
Helping grassroots women to take their first steps towards empowerment, the programme teaches local women about civic society and local representation roles. With Women’s Collective Ireland, we want to help grassroots women recognise their full potential and future in leadership roles – ‘If you can see it, you can be it’.
The importance of programmes such as this cannot be understated, as supporting women’s equality has and continues to improve the standard of life of women in rural towns and cities, helping to lift women from poverty, unemployment, and violence. Initiatives such as the WILL Programme help women to realise their potential and power in all aspects of their lives; be it economic, political, social, or personal.
This remarkable initiative has to date helped to empower just under 150 talented and ambitious women to reach new heights – teaching them to hone their leadership skills, expand their knowledge, and built a strong network of like-minded individuals. Keep your eyes peeled on WCI’s Project pages, who will be sharing updates on their schedules for this years WILL Programme before they start in April.
Our thanks to the grassroots women who have faith in WCI’s mission, and to the Deparmtent of Children, Equality, Integration and Youth for funding the programme.