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The Highlights: 2024 with Women's Collective Ireland

The team of Women's Collective Ireland have worked diligently and tirelessly throughout 2024 to support the grassroots women of our local communities.

As we near the end of 2024 and begin afresh in the New Year, we wanted to reflect on some of the achievements that have been gained by WCI as a collective during 2024.

• WCI secured sustainable programme funding from the Department of Children, Equality, Intergration and Youth as part of our Core funding to continue the rollout of the popular Women in Leadership Programme in our 17 projects countrywide.

• Our social media presence continued to grow significantly in 2024, and our WCI brand and unified identity continues to work well in playing a big part in raising our profile as a national women’s grassroots organisation.

• WCI launched their new and updated website in late 2024. WCI were represented at numerous events, conferences, seminars, and training sessions by staff throughout our 17 projects.

• As part of 16 Days of Activism Gender-Based Violence, the 17 CDPs of Women's Collective Ireland came together, with the support of the women in their local communities, to paint 267 pairs of shoes red for WCI Lucan's 'The Red Shoes' campaign, to commermorate the lives of women in Ireland lost from 1997-present day.

• WCI secured national funding from IHREC to run a Climate Justice Just Transition seminar, as part of awareness raising for staff and board, which we eagaerly look forward to taking place in February 2025.

• Shared Learning spaces continued to be a valuable space for projects to connect and share online, allowing staff the opportunity to learn from each other.

As always, we would also like to acknowledge the support of our core funders, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, which makes our work to advance grassroots women’s equality possible.

WCI eagarly look forward to continuign our work to provide support to grassroots women in the New Year, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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