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Inform WCI’s Submission on the National Strategy for Women & Girls

Women’s Collective Ireland wants your voice heard in the upcoming National Strategy for Women and Girls!

WCI is asking as many people as possible to get involved with our survey, to let us know what gender equality in Ireland looks like for you. WCI will be submitting a written submission to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and ask that you get involved with our survey to ensure that your voice is captured in this process.

We are very keen to ensure that the women we work with are given every opportunity to feed into the WCI submission and we know that the Department wants to ensure the inclusion of grassroots women in the coming National Strategy for Women and Girls.


Share your thoughts and experiences with us to help create a more equal future for women and girls.

Please follow our link to submit your response and have your voice heard in this vital strategy:


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